Therapeutic Recreation
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TRT Class
Therapeutic Recreation Technician Course

This course allows students to train to work as Therapeutic Recreation Technicians.
TRT Online Courses
April 11, 2025- June 20, 2025
Class meets via Google Meets at 9 AM
on the first & last day of class including the 
Final Exam: 6/20/25 at 9:30 am
Cost: $500
TRCC contracted facility Cost: $0

Kristina Couron MTRS, CTRS

Online Course Information: 
You will be issued online lectures and assignments that will need to be completed weekly. You will need to allocate 9 hours of class work (lectures and assignments) each week as this is a 90 hour class: 9 hours a week for 10 weeks. There are 2 mandatory virtual meetings: the first and last day of class. You will need to have the minimum system requirements and stable internet connection to view the lectures and videos online via Canvas.

This course fulfills the educational hours required for licensure at the TRT level for the State of Utah.
This course is an introduction to the field of Therapeutic Recreation and provides a foundation for students wishing to obtain their Therapeutic Recreation Technician (TRT). In the course, students will explore various approaches to programming for populations who are geriatric or have substance abuse, psychiatric or developmental disabilities. There is a strong emphasis placed on preparation for the Utah State Licensure Examination at the TRT level.  
Online Class
Pay online via credit card:

Is on line learning a good option for you: Convenient? Yes, but online learning is not for everyone. It is rigorous and requires a clear commitment. To succeed in such an environment you need to be an independent learner, well organized, disciplined, and constantly on-task. 

There's certainly pros and cons to the online class. The pro is that it allows you the freedom to complete the lectures and assignments at your own pace (you have 1 week to complete and submit). It reduced the time spent on transportation to/from the class. The con is that you miss out on the social aspects and benefits of working with others in the classroom setting. The classroom setting allows for learning among peers as you share experiences and work through common issues together. Additionally, some personalities need the guidance and structure of the classroom setting to be successful, whereas other personalities thrive off the online setting and are self disciplined preferring to set their own schedules. 

Are you a person who learns by doing? Then you may want to consider the live class option to best meet your learning style.

The minimum system requirements are below:

Operating System: 
Mac 10.5 or higher 
Windows Vista, Win7, or Win8 

Internet Connection: 
Cable/DSL or faster 

Firefox 3.6+ 
Internet Explorer 9+ 
Safari 5+ 

Adobe Flash Player 10 


Mindflash supports use of tablets and mobile devices by Trainees using the web browser on the device. Trainees can access their account and take courses. Additionally, iPad users can download the Mindflash iPad app and access their courses that way.
TRT licensure:
(1) In order to obtain the TRT licensure in Utah, the student must complete 90 hours of structured education under the instruction and direction of a licensed MTRS. This course fulfills this requirement.

(2) A TRT is required to complete an approved practicum, which means 125 hours of field work experience to be completed over a duration of not more than nine months under the direction of a licensed MTRS or TRS supervisor*****(see below)  that includes: (a) a minimum of 20 hours of direct face to face supervision of programming, documentation and treatment intervention by the MTRS or TRS supervisor; 

********A TRT may perform recreational therapy services if: under the supervision of a master therapeutic recreation specialist or a therapeutic recreation specialist employed full-time and on-site in the same hospital, clinic, or facility; or (ii) in consultation with a master therapeutic recreation specialist*******

(3) Applicants for licensure as a TRT shall pass both the Therapeutic Recreation Technician Theory Examination with a
minimum score of 70% and the Therapeutic Recreation Technician Laws and Rules Exam with a minimum score of 75%.

Applicants for licensure as a TRT who fail the Therapeutic Recreation Technician Theory Examination three consecutive
times must repeat the educational coursework. 
A TRT applicant shall pass the examinations and apply for licensure after completion of the 125 practicum hours and must do so within the same nine month period referred to in that Subsection.
 A TRT applicant who does not complete the education, practicum and examinations within nine months is not eligible to
be employed as a TRT in a therapeutic recreation department.
 A TRT student who does not seek licensure within two years after completion of the education course shall retake the
education, practicum and pass the examination prior to applying for licensure. 
Please email completed registration form to: